Nov 21, 2007

as fast as ......

Yeah, this week I feel as fast as. I don't know why I just feel. don't ask me.

In the Kristi's class, we always practiced how to used "the compartative adjectives and superlative adjectives" you have to change adjectives. Learning english always change change change....verb, adjective, noun, and use different words. it's so hard for me. Now I so happy because I have been studying more english. I can speak and write english better than before. Let me feel the best. you see I can right away use. but I don't know I right or wrong. anyway Am I true better than before right?

In the Marcy's class, we had finished unit 8. Then I am going to have a quiz tomorrow. This week we learned and discussed the more children born same day. for example, single, twins, triplets, quadruplets and quintuplets. this is a difficult things. you have to try fertility drugs and need more doctors helped. that is very dangerous. In addition, we had more practiced. that's the most difficult. but I feel better than before. I think that's good. I hope the quiz is going to very easy.

In the Jeff's class, I only say as fast as, because I had a presentation on Tuesday. My partner came to my home last Sunday. We saw movie together. Its name was "Forrest Gump". First time I felt I do it. because I always listened to my partner before. This presentation had me a half. I don't know how to say feeling. I only can say so cool! Then we listened to music and discussed new words.

Today is Wednesday. Also I went to gym doing exercise. Today only me go no another classmate. So I was pretty fast go home.

Tomorrow I won't go to action with my classmate. because I become a bady-sitter again. I'll take care of my homestay's children. They are so cute and very easy take care for me. Did you know I become a bady-sitter that they give money for me.

see you my classmate.


Marcy said...

Your English has improved sooooooo much and you are more comfortable now than you were before. Continue to work hard and ask lots of questions.

~.Emmanuel.~ said...

Hey Hsio-Yen Chan...!!!^^
how are you...!?!?!?
I hope you be very very great...!!!
hey really you improved very very much...!!!
hey today friday... really so sorry for my stupit atitud... but I have personal problems...
anyway... and THANKS SO MUCH!!! because today in Marcy's class with your cute personality you change my feel...!!!
you are a very good person... really I'm enjoy your friendship^^
however... you have a very nice blog eh...!!!
always you have something new for comment...!!! haha
ohh now I'm a little busy because I'm studing for Kristy's test...
ohh I'm forgot also need read my book from Marcy's class... but honestly your english its better!!!
well... so, remember...
"enjoy your life"

deyvid-s said...

Hi Hsiao Yen, I believe that you are very good in grammar and you are a good role model because you are all the time studying a lot and right now you know many words in English, congratulations my friend!!!.

yangyang said...

yen! you are so good! you study is very hard~ you inpproved eveyone see it~ fighting~ l know you will be beter and beter~ finally, l hope you are happy everday~Dont't tingking trouble things you must think everting you can dou it!