Dec 6, 2007

what's problem with me

I should feel very happy right, but why I don't. this semester is going to finish. I remember I didn't learn english more so I am sick. I saw my classmates that very good everybody. they can speak so fast and knew a lot of new words. and me i didn't.

There are have more let me practice, like I went to have dinner with my homestay family and her friend tonight, but I didn't say anything for them. I don't know what can I say? I always listened to them. I so hate that.

sometime I can listen very well, but I always can't do that. however I need more time to lean and repeat. I think that is a the best way. I hope so.

well I am still so happy come here. there are have nice classmates and good teachers. I can see snow and different things to my country. I think my english is better than before right. I don't feel sad. I just go on to learn more and more english. that's my way.


Marcy said...

You have learned a lot, you just don't realize it. Your English has definitely improved, especially your speaking. Enjoy the rest of your time here and good look for when you go back home.

Tewz said...

Me too. I felt so sad when This semester nearly finish I think in the future i gonna Miss All of my friends here. I would like stay here but I cann't because my parent so poor. I just back to Thailand and study there and I have plan to make A bussiness with my best friend. I gonna rich and then I gonna study 2 chinese language then i gonna travel around the world HAHAHA that's My goal.
I gonna miss U too and C u bye bye