Dec 6, 2007

what's problem with me

I should feel very happy right, but why I don't. this semester is going to finish. I remember I didn't learn english more so I am sick. I saw my classmates that very good everybody. they can speak so fast and knew a lot of new words. and me i didn't.

There are have more let me practice, like I went to have dinner with my homestay family and her friend tonight, but I didn't say anything for them. I don't know what can I say? I always listened to them. I so hate that.

sometime I can listen very well, but I always can't do that. however I need more time to lean and repeat. I think that is a the best way. I hope so.

well I am still so happy come here. there are have nice classmates and good teachers. I can see snow and different things to my country. I think my english is better than before right. I don't feel sad. I just go on to learn more and more english. that's my way.

Nov 21, 2007

as fast as ......

Yeah, this week I feel as fast as. I don't know why I just feel. don't ask me.

In the Kristi's class, we always practiced how to used "the compartative adjectives and superlative adjectives" you have to change adjectives. Learning english always change change change....verb, adjective, noun, and use different words. it's so hard for me. Now I so happy because I have been studying more english. I can speak and write english better than before. Let me feel the best. you see I can right away use. but I don't know I right or wrong. anyway Am I true better than before right?

In the Marcy's class, we had finished unit 8. Then I am going to have a quiz tomorrow. This week we learned and discussed the more children born same day. for example, single, twins, triplets, quadruplets and quintuplets. this is a difficult things. you have to try fertility drugs and need more doctors helped. that is very dangerous. In addition, we had more practiced. that's the most difficult. but I feel better than before. I think that's good. I hope the quiz is going to very easy.

In the Jeff's class, I only say as fast as, because I had a presentation on Tuesday. My partner came to my home last Sunday. We saw movie together. Its name was "Forrest Gump". First time I felt I do it. because I always listened to my partner before. This presentation had me a half. I don't know how to say feeling. I only can say so cool! Then we listened to music and discussed new words.

Today is Wednesday. Also I went to gym doing exercise. Today only me go no another classmate. So I was pretty fast go home.

Tomorrow I won't go to action with my classmate. because I become a bady-sitter again. I'll take care of my homestay's children. They are so cute and very easy take care for me. Did you know I become a bady-sitter that they give money for me.

see you my classmate.

Nov 18, 2007

This is nice weekend.......................

I was busy this weekend. I had a lot of homework from Marcy's assignment and Jeff's presentation.

I stayed home doing homework on all Saturday. My homestay's parents went to have for dinner. My homestay family and I expected them to came in. My homestay mom made an apple pie that was so nice. They bought two pairs of gloves for children that was very happy. We had too much food and an apple pie. I was sooooooooo full. I didn't talk them had dinner after, because I had a lot of homework. I so wanted to talking with them. I heard them enjoyed talking. Due to Jeff's presentation I saw a movie. that was a warm movie by Tom hanks performance. I like him all film.

Then My homestay mom invited my best friend, Liliana came home. Liliana and I met at Brentwood station at ten o'clock on Sunday morning . Liliana with her friend children together came to my home. I pick them up to took a bus. Came home I first introduced them. They were talking a lot of spanish. I didn't understand them. but I thought they each other like to talking. I was very happy. We ate pizza for lunch. afterward Liliana and I saw "Forrest Gump" movie for Jeff's presentation. She is my partner. I saw again that. Then her friend children with my homestay children play together. They enjoyed play and Liliana and I felt relieved to see movie. oh......yeah! my homestay mam gave me two new shirts. I'm sooooooo gald. In the evening, they gave me an electric radiator. "If I fell cold I can use it." they said. I'm so better luck than other people from Taiwain. They always didn't like here's homestay family.

I very very love my homestay again.

Nov 13, 2007

long weekend, what are you doing?

long weekend, friends what are you doing? and me that was boring. Only me stayed home all the weekend. My homestay family went to mountain house on vacation. I didn't go with them. because I had to do homework and my thigh was very ache that I didn't walk. only one thing, I cooked food for myself. that was yummy (delicious). I cooked Taiwanese food and soup. I so miss that. Oh, my god!..........

All friends, whether you are like me that cooked for youself? How was it? Did you like? How often did you do that? Did you like your food? tell me my firend. I'd like to know your feeling?

today is tuesday. My teacher (kristi) doesn't come to school, because she has fallen ill. I hope she is fine. Then Macy's and Jeff's class I had given two difficult homework. My white hair will add again. Oh, my god! again............

see you my friends. have a nice sleep........ I'd like to take a shower. Bye...

excuse me! I forgot one thing. On monday I had dinner at the Earls restaurant with my homestay family. Yummy............................again.

Nov 11, 2007

clean snow.

This is a child cleaning snow. She is a six year old. She is my homestay mother's child. her name is Daisy. She is a very cute child. I so much like her. sometimes she is a teacher, because she teach me english. that is fun.

This was my first time saw snow and cleaned snow. For me that was interesting. That one day, when I got up seeing snow. I felt very exciting. Instantly I took my camera to take a pictures and video that. I hope you like one.

What were you first time? how was that? could you tell me? I

finally, thank you for come here seeing my blog. bye.. have a good weekend. long weekend.

Nov 8, 2007

hellping me how to use this plogger.

hellp hellp
first time I use the plogger. I can say I hate it. I hope I will love it.
now.....I don't know what can I doing?

marcy and my classmate............


I want to speak more english, but I don't have any idea.
What are you doing to stared english?
How long did you speak english very well?
Where did you study english?
Why did you think to learn english was important?

I need your answer....thanks so much....I'm waiting.....for you...
see you my classmate.
have a good weekend. bye..

Oct 24, 2007


Hi! guys. Welcome to my blog.